Yearly Archives: 2016

27 09, 2016


By |2021-12-04T19:36:17+00:00September 27th, 2016|Lifestyle|0 Comments

Most definitions of adventure I found include the words risk and hazardous. The American Heritage dictionary defines the noun adventure this way; "an undertaking of questionable or hazardous nature." If I choose to accept this definition of adventure I must conclude that the adventure travel industry or many of our bike rides are rarely about [...]

19 05, 2016

Vermont Spring Training 2016… Maybe the best one yet

By |2021-11-20T23:29:14+00:00May 19th, 2016|Lifestyle, Vermont|2 Comments

"The absolute perfect blend of people, adversity, companionship and good times." -- Mike Chasse This year's annual cycling trip to Vermont may well have been the best one yet! Perhaps the most satisfying aspect was that we were so lucky to have a truly special person/friend accompany us. It has been 9 years since Mike [...]

26 02, 2016

For the Love That I Have

By |2017-02-21T21:50:00+00:00February 26th, 2016|Lifestyle|0 Comments

My adult children have been wondering why I haven’t written a blog post about them. “In time” or “when the time is right I will put something together”, I would explain. Perhaps the time is now! With the birth of my first grandchild, Kingston (thanks Jordyn and Darren) and the graduation of my sons from [...]