Matt Michaud has captured quite eloquently in the following essay the essence of the FARM ride that he designed and planned in it’s entirety.  He believes that it will spark your interest and awaken your senses which will make for an unforgettable adventure.  Don’t miss it, FTA’s FARM ride June 23, 2018 roll out at 8:00 AM out of New Canada/Daigle pond on route 161.  Register online Bikereg at


Usually, one’s first ride on a new route is the most memorable; new terrain, the anticipation of what’s around the next bend (or hill), exploring roads that few cyclists have ridden before, and the things you cannot plan for; a moose quietly standing along the side of the road as you pass, new friendships made along the way, or that sweet stretch of road where you feel like your pedaling like a pro.  As you’re riding the FARM ride, take time to slow down enough to look, listen and feel.

Look at the dust rising from your spinning wheels, your shadow cast beside you keeping you company along the way, the muscles of your arms shaking rhythmically as you descend a rough section of road, and the rolling hills and farmland of the canvas we call the St. John valley.

Listen to the crackling sound your tires make when rolling over the gravel, song birds flying in and out of the wheat fields, the faint rumbling of a tractor working in a nearby potato field.  On the crest of a hill, take a moment to stop and be still.  Try to listen to northern Maine’s loud silence over your pounding heartbeat.

Feel the lactic acid forming in your quads during a grind up a little kicker, the sweat salt residue on your forehead and temples, the bike vibration transmitted through your pedals, seat and handlebars, and finally the tail wind pushing you home.

The FARM ride is more than another gravel grind.  It’s an unbelievable adventure that is sure to reawaken all of your senses.  Come out and ride!