Monthly Archives: June 2015

6 06, 2015

Mémère’s Butterscotch Pie – Slow Food Part 2

By |2017-02-21T21:50:00+00:00June 6th, 2015|Lifestyle|0 Comments

In Italy, large meals are concluded with the saying "siamo alla frutta", literally translated, "we are at the fruit"(dessert). In our household, we always ended our meals with a home-cooked dessert and my favorite, without a doubt, was my grandmothers butterscotch pie, always made from scratch in a double boiler. The tradition and [...]

1 06, 2015

Slow Food Part 1

By |2017-02-22T16:45:59+00:00June 1st, 2015|Lifestyle|0 Comments

One of my grandfather Rossignol's and memère Bouchard's favorite meals was pork, beef, rabbit and sometimes partridge Slow Cooked in a big roaster with potatoes, carrots, turnips and lots of onions. This was simply known as, "un rôti". This was always served with plenty of sides like, coleslaw, pickled beets/cauliflower, swiss chard and buckwheat ployes/pancakes [...]