Monthly Archives: April 2013

5 04, 2013

European-style randonnee coming to Maine

By |2017-02-21T21:50:01+00:00April 5th, 2013|In the News|0 Comments

By Julia Bayly, BDN Staff Published Bangor Daily News April 13, 2011 Online Article Link Caribou-based Fresh Trails Adventures is planning a bicycle ride from Fort Kent to Lac Temiscouata, Quebec, on Saturday, May 14, and hopes to introduce the randonnee to cyclists in northern Maine with its first FARM — French Acadian Randonnee of Maine [...]

1 04, 2013

Why we Ride…

By |2017-02-21T21:50:01+00:00April 1st, 2013|Lifestyle|0 Comments

Cycling. . . Pedaling and effort lead consciously or unconsciously to meditation. Without the noise of lists, missed calls, and ever-growing inbox, and responsibility. Under self-imposed but manageable duress, up the side of the Mountain, legs firing, breath labored but in control, eyes focused ahead and around all at once, sense and perception heightened. . [...]

1 04, 2013

Heaven. . . Tuscany and thoughts on my last ride with James Grandmaison

By |2021-12-04T20:28:15+00:00April 1st, 2013|Lifestyle|0 Comments

Up the last hill and as I hit the crest I instinctively ready myself for the open view. But instead of coming out at the top of the mountain it's like I've been transported to another world, I am in a valley,  the lush green Chianti region of Tuscany Italy. I cruise to a halt, [...]

1 04, 2013

Climbing and the Six Gap Ride in the Middleburry Vermont area.

By |2021-12-04T20:24:32+00:00April 1st, 2013|Lifestyle, Vermont|0 Comments

Climbing is difficult. For many those first encounters with hills come early in life. During those early years the hill is an unwanted obstacle between you and your destination.  And that's all it is an inconvenience. Only years later when you make the transition from bike rider to cyclist, does the lifelong love affair with [...]